Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I think it is normal for a couple to fight... which is not right is when you don't ever fight... That is when the "trust" for each other comes.
When I watched a movie, I fetched a saying "In a relationship, romance should only be second to friendship." Having your partner more of a best friend than a lover makes sense. When the romance is gone, that is when things all go wrong... but if you stay best of friends, you still have the trust to each other. Love always change, you don't know if the feelings you feel right now will be the same after a minute or an hour. So it is important that the two of you remain friends forever. Then after that, you could start loving each other again.
Thus, having a peace of mind than being paranoid is always a help to anyone. On my situation, I got blinded too much of "everything" that made me closed to any reasons. As I said, trust is needed to make a relationship work. Well, I am not perfect and I am not a professional when it comes to love, that is why most of the time... I am on the roller coaster ride of my life... We need to be open and understanding to everything our partners have to say. Reasons are not there just to ignore it, it should be fully accepted.
Love has so many unexpected courses. It is our decision if we are going to have any plans or not. We cannot tell where are we going holding it and until when can we hold on it. It is really unexpected so why care for what will be happening next. Give a big TRUST to your partner and gamble everything that is left to you. But many says that you should leave something for yourself. Really, I don't know. L.O.V.E is really a C.R.A.Z.Y thing. Hehehe, but don't be a liar... everyone likes to feel "in-love"... it is like craving for chocolate for a week and then indulging yourself with chocolates in just few minutes. Why regret if you feel good about something?

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