What about thunder??? Do you like the rumbling clouds above you??? Now, the feeling I feel right now is just like having the two scenario together. Getting struck by lightning and the deafening sound of thunder.
I've been wanting of being on a situation that wholly depends on what decision to make and to where I'll go. I never come to think of getting confused and doubtful about each twist and turns. And really... now I know the feeling of getting pressured... not totally pressured but it is almost there. And how will you make a decision if you will just base it on half lose and half win situation. Should it be right to go for only a win-win plan? Or again, I should take risk on a very cautious one.
My career and my entire life will be affected. My 2009 will get ruined if I make a wrong move. Getting hit by lightning or rumbled thunder, I don't care anymore. The feeling right now is worst. I am expecting so much from myself... and my family also does expect. Plus, the people who are hoping that I'll go with them as they and the company progress are waiting for such decisions to be made... what will I do? I have been wishing to be in such situation yet right now I am very confused and lost. Every time I try to get a chance to think... OMG... I always end up spacing-out. And the result... nothing... nothing but nothing.
I now hope and wish... that I could have a chance to think clearly. Trying to put every details and requirements and standards that I have for getting the offers, the jobs, and lastly closing the deal and signing the contract... I hope that I will come-up of a good decision that I won't regret for the entire span of the contract or even my whole professional career...
All I wanted is the best deal available. And when I say best deal, I mean the best for both my life and career... and also beneficial for my family and friends... Wow!!! Why is it hard to come-up with a good decision???
Please... I need a peace of mind... let me think... I have to...
Or maybe... I will ask for a sign???
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