Ahm... to admit it... for me it's just a little exciting... I don't know... maybe because the older Pevensies aren't in Narnia and specifically in that series of the story... But really, I was still able to travel with the fantasy world of Narnia while reading the book itself... And there are so many revelations for me in this book... and as being an agnostic, hahaha I've been thinking if Aslan would be really Jesus on Earth and not in Narnia... whatever...
Yet... for me, every ending of each series has its "sad" but not really sad ending for the story... in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, the story ended when almost their lives were on its golden years already... the cliche was, they came back on the real world at the time they got used to the world of Narnia and being Narnians for more than 20 years I guess...and the worst part, as children and on the time they don't really like... well... In Prince Caspian, the saddest part was knowing Peter and Susan will not be able to come back to Narnia again... for me it is so much a misery of being condemned to a world you feel it is your real home and a place that makes you happy...and for them to leave a Narnia, a world where they found love, friends, and happiness... And in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader... ahm... as far as I could remember, Aslan said to the younger Pevensies, who aren't getting as young as before, that they might not be able to come back to Narnia anymore because they are getting older. I had tears running down my cheeks when it was the moment they were leaving Narnia already. For me it really hurts a lot when you are leaving a place knowing there are no more possibilities of going back forever...
Knowing that the next series of Narnia will be another story without the Pevensies anymore, I will still finish reading until to the last book which is The Last Battle... and I've heard that in this book, the Pevensies were called and summoned back by Aslan for their biggest and hardest adventure of all... well, I also heard that Susan wasn't there for some reason, and that reason became a very intriguing issue of all... hehehe I hope to remember it when I was on the exact lines of that intriguing part of the Last Battle....
Well... this post will due until here... I have more readings to make out of Narnia... I am now reading The Silver Chair with Jill and Eustace... I had a glimpse of the beginning chapters before I took a bath... I am now on the part when Jill starts her voyage down to Narnia after taking the task to Aslan.. well... Happy reading!!! Long Live NARNIA!!!
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