And I finished reading CS Lewis' Silver Chair last night...
Hehehe and to tell the truth... it was just like some other adventure stories on rocky mountains and slopes with giants and more creatures... What seemed exciting for me was on the part the adventure reached the underworld and their escape from it... and funny how I imagined it, was the part Eustace, Rilian, and Puddleglum were fighting with the great serpent a.k.a the Lady of the Green Kerttle...
Well... the first three books (as per production), are really magical... the other books that follows them looses its enchantment... but I think that was just a strategy and a preparation for the last book which is the Last Battle, for which everything in Narnia will be concluded and the return of the Pevensies... well... hoping for that... I have two more books to read before I start reading the last of the Narnia books...
Last night, actually early morning again, around 3:10 AM, as I finished reading The Silver Chair, I ventured on beginning the first eight chapters of The Boy and His Horse of Shasta and Bree... ahmm... the same feeling of reading The Silver Chair still linger on me while reading and lying on my bed, well, that's really a problem with me, I long for something for quite long that I always have a hard time dealing with it... I'm now on the part when the plans of the Calormen tyrants, Rabadash, Tisroc, and Ahoshta, were revealed and eavesdropped/overheard by Aravis and her BFF... hahaha... I felt sleepy and tired so I cut my reading and sleep...
As a result of getting bored from my hobby of reading last night, as I always wished of not getting those dreams forever in my life... hmmm... the events or as I say it glimpse of my past haunted again... well, of course with the same cast of antagonists and monsters... Now... I am missing of the dreams I had with the Cullens and Bella and Twilight saga influencing it... how I wish that my sleep to 2009 will fascinate me that I will long it to sleep forever as I wanted... hehehe... okay... I think that's for now... I have some readings to make later... and by the way... I am serving Bolognese Spaghetti, Fruit Salad, Fresh Fruits, Leche Flan, Crispy Fried Pork Pata for the New Year's celebration due midnight... hehehe I hope everyone to celebrate and welcome 2009 with all happiness and safety!!! Happy New Year!!! By the way... I forgot, it was very timely that while I am reading the Silver Chair, as far as I remember and if that's right, in the world of Narnia, they are also preparing for the New Year...
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