"Be the reason for someone's happiness, not just a part of it... Be a part of someone's sadness, not the reason for it."
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Eustace and Jill at Silver Chair...

And I finished reading CS Lewis' Silver Chair last night...
Hehehe and to tell the truth... it was just like some other adventure stories on rocky mountains and slopes with giants and more creatures... What seemed exciting for me was on the part the adventure reached the underworld and their escape from it... and funny how I imagined it, was the part Eustace, Rilian, and Puddleglum were fighting with the great serpent a.k.a the Lady of the Green Kerttle...
Well... the first three books (as per production), are really magical... the other books that follows them looses its enchantment... but I think that was just a strategy and a preparation for the last book which is the Last Battle, for which everything in Narnia will be concluded and the return of the Pevensies... well... hoping for that... I have two more books to read before I start reading the last of the Narnia books...
Last night, actually early morning again, around 3:10 AM, as I finished reading The Silver Chair, I ventured on beginning the first eight chapters of The Boy and His Horse of Shasta and Bree... ahmm... the same feeling of reading The Silver Chair still linger on me while reading and lying on my bed, well, that's really a problem with me, I long for something for quite long that I always have a hard time dealing with it... I'm now on the part when the plans of the Calormen tyrants, Rabadash, Tisroc, and Ahoshta, were revealed and eavesdropped/overheard by Aravis and her BFF... hahaha... I felt sleepy and tired so I cut my reading and sleep...
As a result of getting bored from my hobby of reading last night, as I always wished of not getting those dreams forever in my life... hmmm... the events or as I say it glimpse of my past haunted again... well, of course with the same cast of antagonists and monsters... Now... I am missing of the dreams I had with the Cullens and Bella and Twilight saga influencing it... how I wish that my sleep to 2009 will fascinate me that I will long it to sleep forever as I wanted... hehehe... okay... I think that's for now... I have some readings to make later... and by the way... I am serving Bolognese Spaghetti, Fruit Salad, Fresh Fruits, Leche Flan, Crispy Fried Pork Pata for the New Year's celebration due midnight... hehehe I hope everyone to celebrate and welcome 2009 with all happiness and safety!!! Happy New Year!!! By the way... I forgot, it was very timely that while I am reading the Silver Chair, as far as I remember and if that's right, in the world of Narnia, they are also preparing for the New Year...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Poor Reepicheep!!! I'm so sad!!!

I forgot to add this to my earlier post...
On the Voyage of the Dawn Treader... on its ending, Reepicheep willingly took the adventure of going farther to the east alone... maybe or surely, when the film will be released soon, on the part when this will happen, I might cry or be very sad... for me, living a very big world alone is a hundred and one percent worser than of embarking a journey to an unknown world alone.
Reepicheep and I has some attitudes to share... brave... valiant... loyal... respectful... not to mention being a natural thrill-seeker... And I could feel him to be a good representation of myself... And after reading the Voyage of the Dawn Treader... one of the reason why there had tears running down my cheeks was because of him...
For me I could see my life on him and him on me... having a very minute appearance covering a humongous personality... and to journey a very big world... The moment the crew of the Dawn Treader were debating if they should go farther to the east and seek what lies ahead and if they will see Aslan's country, Reepicheep stood out and bravely volunteered himself, and for that, I am very touched. It seemed that it's not a big deal for him to journey along to somewhere no one and not once been discovered by whom which is better suited rahter than him... And it's really funny that he doesn't care at all... And for me, it takes more than a brave heart of doing so... that point in the story... I really became so much a fan of Reepicheep...
Yet... C.S Lewis, assured before the ending of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, that Reepicheep was able to cross the "very end of the world of Narnia" and was safely confided to Aslan's country... the saddest part... he was never seen in Narnia... the good thing is... everyone rememebred him as a very brave "mouse"... and written in their history as the very first Narnian to seek Aslan's country...
by SwitchFoot
I've got my memories
They're always
Inside of me
But I can't go back
Back to how it was
I believe now
I've seen too much
But I can't go back
Back to how it was
Created for a place
I've never known
This is home
Now I'm finally
Where I belong
Where I belong
Yeah, this is home
I've been searching
For a place of my own
Now I've found it
Maybe this is home
Yeah, this is home
Belief over misery
I've seen the enemy
And I won't go back
Back to how it was
And I got my heart
Set on
What happens next
I got my eyes wide
It's not over yet
We are miracles
And we're not alone
This is home
Now I'm finally
Where I belong
Where I belong
Yeah, this is home
I've been searching
For a place of my own
Now I've found it
Maybe this is home
Yeah, this is home
Long Lost Love...

Ahm... to admit it... for me it's just a little exciting... I don't know... maybe because the older Pevensies aren't in Narnia and specifically in that series of the story... But really, I was still able to travel with the fantasy world of Narnia while reading the book itself... And there are so many revelations for me in this book... and as being an agnostic, hahaha I've been thinking if Aslan would be really Jesus on Earth and not in Narnia... whatever...
Yet... for me, every ending of each series has its "sad" but not really sad ending for the story... in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, the story ended when almost their lives were on its golden years already... the cliche was, they came back on the real world at the time they got used to the world of Narnia and being Narnians for more than 20 years I guess...and the worst part, as children and on the time they don't really like... well... In Prince Caspian, the saddest part was knowing Peter and Susan will not be able to come back to Narnia again... for me it is so much a misery of being condemned to a world you feel it is your real home and a place that makes you happy...and for them to leave a Narnia, a world where they found love, friends, and happiness... And in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader... ahm... as far as I could remember, Aslan said to the younger Pevensies, who aren't getting as young as before, that they might not be able to come back to Narnia anymore because they are getting older. I had tears running down my cheeks when it was the moment they were leaving Narnia already. For me it really hurts a lot when you are leaving a place knowing there are no more possibilities of going back forever...
Knowing that the next series of Narnia will be another story without the Pevensies anymore, I will still finish reading until to the last book which is The Last Battle... and I've heard that in this book, the Pevensies were called and summoned back by Aslan for their biggest and hardest adventure of all... well, I also heard that Susan wasn't there for some reason, and that reason became a very intriguing issue of all... hehehe I hope to remember it when I was on the exact lines of that intriguing part of the Last Battle....
Well... this post will due until here... I have more readings to make out of Narnia... I am now reading The Silver Chair with Jill and Eustace... I had a glimpse of the beginning chapters before I took a bath... I am now on the part when Jill starts her voyage down to Narnia after taking the task to Aslan.. well... Happy reading!!! Long Live NARNIA!!!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Too Fast...

How can I forget a year full of so many things... things which are new to me... experiences I've never had before... feelings I never felt before... and all the foolish ideas I had and also the wonderful things I managed to have. Well, so to speak, even this year wasn't that beautiful as I expected, as the day for its ending comes, little by little I sort out every film of my life to decide which to remake next year and which are those I should keep forever.
Once in a while, there are always a point in my life that, really, I hated so much. These includes all the wrong perception of life, the bad plans and wrong decisions, some unpleasant memories with some other people, unavoidable embarrassments... and to whatever extent I wished to go back in time to make these events the way I wanted it, disappointments are always waiting for me.
I think I overdone it. I pushed myself too much that I never noticed of giving pain to myself and then reflecting it to other people. I do hope to ask for forgiveness and I know everything is forgiven. All swell that ends well...
As I set my foot forward to next year's tomorrow, many lists are written and still growing... expectations and hopes are getting much stronger... and for whatever reason, I want to make 2009 the best that I could ever have. Right now, as I write this post, there's an oddly feeling that I feel next year would be the last of my years... I don't know, it just suddenly came out from somewhere. But anyways, I do hope I will give myself whatever I wanted and live the life I ever wished for. I... maybe for next year, shall still have the same manners and attitude, same goals set in different ways, the same faith on the manner I know... and so many "same" things to preserve for I feel these makes me a better person.
And for 2009, yes... for 2009!!! There are so much to wait... literally... Ahm... films... books... travels... a new lifestyle... jobs... life... and love (I guess). But i am getting worried for my expectation of having all these plans in my hand and in my life. Maybe I got too scared, too hurt, and too hopeless this 2008 that I gave up on being very optimistic about my own life. And maybe there are so many disappointments that made me decide I should not dream anymore.
But everything in life changes... not every year... not next month... and not by seconds that pass... life changes too fast as fast you are making your decisions for your life.
So let us all wait for what is up ahead... let us be thrilled with every bit of excitement and celebrate every reason for living... for life you have right now is only once in a lifetime... maybe there will be dejavus but believe me... there's nothing in this world that happens twice...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
BRANGIEN 2009 Calendar
Friday, December 19, 2008

She walked down an aisle while feathers are still flying all around the dome... the song keeps on playing over and over... and then... damn it... white flashed the entire scene and I found myself alone from a vast white space... hmmm... then new scenes show up... a university scene I guess... and there was the lady again... BUT the worst... the person I knew as my enemy was also present in my visions... I saw him talking with the lady I supposed to know the name... and they were laughing... and still having that happy conversation. They stopped for a while and stared to me, I blushed and I swayed my back on them.
After I looked back, they are gone... a new scene came up. I was sitting on a very old looking, antique dinning table... sitting in front of me was "him", my enemy, and in between was the lady... let me name her "Vamp Girl". We were eating... but I then had an omniscient view of the scene... the girl held my hand and touched my face, I saw her crying... and I saw "him" laughing... and the dream ended there...
Gosh!!! Why is this happening??? Why am I dreaming this good dream??? Yet! Why do "he" still shows up... after so many years of hate and grudges. And above all... who was the girl??? Who is she??? I am very curious about her... and how the hell she got a chance to know "him"??? Unluckyly, why does this man keeps on bugging me on my dreams? When will "he" vanish from my life...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
After Midnight Sun???

OMG!!! Midnight Sun... as Edward Cullen's perspective of the beginning of the story... wow... it is so exciting to read... every amount of feeling in his words are precisely carved to each letter... hmmm... I then knew how much he loved Bella Swan... well... nice kind of love... hehehe... and maybe... Edward and I have similarities when it comes to that aspect... I really like his authoritative attitude without compromising his care and being thoughtful toward/for Bella... hehehe hs every acts always shows his love for the person... and absolutely, in wahtever perspective I view their story, oh my, it is really wonderful and very interesting. hahaha... hmmm... I hope that Midnight Sun will be published in the future in its completeness... thank you Stephanie Meyer for a wonderful novel!!! It's been a part of my life now...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Problems with Gift Giving for Christmas Day???
Problems with Gift Giving for Christmas Day???
Hehehe and Hohoho… don’t worry…
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008
It Might Be You
Time, I've been passing time watching trains go by
All of my life
Lying on the sand watching seabirds fly
Wishing there could be someone
Waiting home for me
Something's telling me it might be you
It's telling me it might be you
All of my life
Looking back as lovers go walking past
All of my life
Wondering how they met and what makes it last
If I found the place would I recognize the face
Something's telling me it might be you
It's telling me it might be you
So many quiet walks to take
So many dreams to wake and there's so much love to make
I think were gonna need some time
Maybe all we need is time
And it's telling me it might be you
All of my life
I've been saving love songs and lullabies
And there's so much more
No one's ever heard before
Something's telling me it might be you
Yeah, it's telling me it must be you and
I'm feeling it'll just be you
All of my life
It's you, it's you I've been waiting for all of my life
Maybe it's you Maybe it's you I've been waiting for all of my life.
Once in a while, I always caught myself humming and singing this beautiful song over and over... I felt attached to this song the first time and on the first day I've heard of it... hmmm... just for a good listening... I love this song...
Monday, December 8, 2008
Twilight is too Addicting!!!

Now... it's just more than my personal brand of heroine. The lullaby not just only makes me fall asleep on my very sleepless nights but also brings me to that same place where the story took place. Not only that... as what I said, each word of every line of each paragraph on each individual book still lingers and come to speak themselves alive. I don't know... for me Stephanie Meyer did a very great story that changed a lot of my perspectives in life... and really... really... it is addicting... Last week I finished reading all four books and OMG!, the story is really exciting and interesting for me... Too much addicting I decided to read it all over again, but now, together with the unfinished "Midnight Sun". This time, it is more exciting than the first time I planned reading the saga. And about the movie... hahaha... every time I got a chance to watch it again and again, hmmm... there's no dull moment for me in the film... and by the way, I keep on playing Bella's Lullaby over and over yet it doesn't sounds odd, the feeling is just like always my first time to hear it... No wonder... it is really addicting!!!
Well, I hope there will be a continuation for the endless story of Edward and Bella... And I'm sure that as long as the story keeps that form and magic, no one is going to dislike it forever... Someone said that the Twilight Saga was the Book of the decade... for me... it is more than that now... As for the film... hehehe I wish New Moon will be release as soon as possible....
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I really loved the story from the very first beginning of "twilight" to the happily ever after ending in the "breaking dawn". OMG!!! Really!!! I LOVED IT!!! well-written.. what can i disapproved... i can't believe it was that really good... for me, impossibly "perfect".
Well.. every essentials were surely present in every book.. the vital part which is "love", the only thing that gives me the curiosity to continue reading and of course the only factor that makes me giggle, laugh, and cry whenever scenes changes.. hahaha and let alone the interplay of humor and seriousness of the characters... really the story is great...
I am now dreaming to write my own piece just like this... but i wish that before it happen... well, maybe it's good to have pointers from Stephanie Meyer herself right??? hehehe but to conclude everything about the Twilight Saga... i really loved it... it changed so many perspectives i have in my life right now... not because I', too much addicted to the novel...
Come to think of it, it is more than just addiction now... just believe this... nothing has ever made me change whatever is in my mind not until someone shared e-books of the "Twilight Saga" with me... thanks to that friend...
And by the way... I've heard about this "Midnight Sun" scandal from Stephanie Meyer's website... I copied the file to see it... I will read it tomorrow for I found out that it was the unfinished (the draft) of Edward Cullen's side of Twilight... I just hope that there will be a continuation, a sequel for Breaking Dawn... I will miss all of the Cullens specially Edward, Bella, and Reenesme...
WHAT WORD CAN EXACTLY DESCRIBE THE FEELING I HAD BEFORE AND AFTER I READ TWILIGHT SAGA??? Hmmm.... so many words... i can't write it down.... hehehe....
I'm so happy I experienced the life inside the story of Twilight Saga.. now... I'm wondering if what if the story was true... maybe I could bid them to make me one of them... Grrrr!!!