Pass by 11, I change to my uniforms, then sanitize, then prepare my workstation. 11:30 A.M. is my duty. First thing on the list is doing the mise en place for the Hot Section. I oftenly cook soffrito for our paella, chop some white onions, and grind some garlic. Just to keep myself from being bored, I will then snap some more haricot verts, fill up the tomato sauce, and boil some eggs. Hmmm... but all that I do just takes few minutes not for few hours. But I am thankful for a day if ever my Sous Chef ask me to do the pre-cooking of some dishes specially when pan-searing the chicken for Paella Valenciana and Pollo Al Ajilo where I wait for the skin to crispen and "I shall attack!" Hehehe and I get the pleasure of the chicken skin! After doing the mise en place, that might be the start of either a very busy service or a very calm lunch. What ever takes place, I am ready. In-between 1:30 P.M. and 2:00 P.M. the kitchen staff partakes on the prepared employees' meal inside the kitchen, and that would be my favorite time.Then the lunch service ends at 2:30 P.M. And because we are working on a Spanish Restaurant, "SIESTA TIME!" comes next. After cleaning up the kitchen, I wash up, rest for a while, then have a two hours sleep.My alarm clock would tickle me around 4:30 P.M. I should get up or I'll be late for my next duty. We have a "Happy Hour" every weekdays, a buy one-get one on drinks plus our Spanish canapes. While waiting for the clock to hit six in the evening, I will ask the reservations manager how many covers do we have for tonight... then I'll prepare again if ever the mise en place to be enough to take over the orders. Then, if its a lucky night, the ordering machine starts to print. I will now cook paellas and more until I sweat and feel really really tired. Hehehe but I am still looking on the brighter side... the more tiring it gets means I am preparing more orders and that equals to a bigger service charge... hehehe of course! Around 9:20 P.M., I will now start to clean my station little by little. Then when it hits 10 o'clock... tada... I will now go home!
That would be the whole day for me... it is routinely tiring but I am always thinking it is a must to have it than to stay at home jobless. Well... by midnight I am now at home thinking about the day's happenings. But wait there's more... I have an addition to my daily chores... I will now post my first ever blog... Hehehe that's it... I'll sleep now... Meow-meow... Good night.
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