"Can't wait for another five years for my future to unfold. This is it, the break I am waiting for... my chance to be over the top!!!"
For all the waiting... interviews and meetings... for all the hopes and prayers by everyone, I am now starting to really create a professional person inside myself. And to tell you the truth... it is some kind of surprising to me each day that comes. A little bit awkward and confusing at first because it would be my first time to handle an establishment with all of myself to depend on. Just the owners to be my guide... this is going to be my make or break!!!
The first few days at work were just the normal scene from all the previous jobs I had. Food tasting... Menu conceptualization and proposals... Marketing strategies... and still... so much responsibilities to take in charge of. I am really getting a lot and learning so much from this job. I am having fun though I am getting sick so easily due to our "ever-unpredictable" weather and all the stress and hazards my job includes. But as far as my happiness and career will be considered, I am really making a huge mark on my own history.
By the way, I am now the Head Chef of Muruve Wine Cellar and Bistro in Ortigas Home Depot. And I am excited to tell everyone that we at Muruve are changing our menu to better serve our patrons. Aside from the menu renovations, there will be weekly special menu for the coming months.The plans really make me feel thrilled and challenged everyday. I am on full-boosters on creating new Spansih dishes-tapas and main courses to focus on.
Professionaly speaking, I can say now that there is learning and progress that is happening on my career. But what I am just sad about is that I really cannot balance-out my life in the perfectly weighed idea I have in my mind. I wanted to live a life like those of the professionals I see on newspapers and television shows. Not the glamour and the shine of a star but the stability and security, and maybe power and control. Not so much wealth and prestige but just only recognition and enough assets to tell myself and show everyone that I am reaching a higher stake for my life.
But there are a lot of "enough and right" time for every plans and wants that I have right now. I just turned twenty-one and I am still very young. I don't want to rush up anymore to everything so I won't regret of making nuissance mistakes. And for the time being, I'll just focus on making myself on my chosen professional world to be one who is setting trends. With that, I will make Muruve to be the best destination for Spanish cuisine.
My greatest asset right now is myself!!!
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