I've been formally single since the day I was back from Boracay. And I thought that love will be back on its rightful track when I come back home. For which I knew it wasn't. It grew worse than I expected it and nothing happened that seems to be good for me. It became unhealthy for me to keep the relationship, and even love itself, so I decided to take it out from my system before it become serious and change my life again. I don't afford to be that person again... and I am not planning to be one again.
What can I do??? Move on, of course... there's no other way for me. So here I am now... enjoying the single status as always. Well... it's been a roller coaster ride every time I fell in love but all of it were all good experiences not considering some changed me a lot. Now... better to be single than not to be happy in a relationship... and I am not planning to look for a replacement as soon as possible... I am taking a break from it all... but I am planning to take on new things... to experience a different kind of lifestyle... Well... I am really bored with my life right now and I think it is time to try on new challenges and craziness life has to offer me.
Enjoying my free time... more with myself and alone. But I am always asking the Berks to meet up and catch up with the things we were missing to each other. I am really grateful of having this set of friends. Even though I am not so open with them emotionally, at least I am giving hint on my status and what state of consciousness I am right now. And here is one person I wanted to be my best friend... but lately I realized that I cannot make someone my bff if that person doesn't appreciate my efforts. Well... I can only say that... there are still other people who are far more interesting to be my bff and it is not yet the end of the world so I have so much time to look for one to be. If you don't like then might as well say it so I'm not wasting my damnest time sending you messages and trying to catch up things with us. If you aren't capable of being a bff... let's be enemies forever of our fucking lives!!! Hehehe... peace bro!!!
A dream keeps on bugging me for almost a month now... Well... it is addicting because it is Twilight Saga related... Why does Edward Cullen keeps on showing on my dreams??? I hoped it to be Bella Swan but why Edward... I'm getting confused!!! After writhing in pain and getting bed-ridden for days, I thought I was on my conversion to be a vampire. But for I knew that I only had influenza, I am really hooked with this "vampire" thing. Can't explain why I wanted to be one... maybe I am also afraid to get old... I want to stay twenty-one forever.Hehehe... well... maybe I definitely be missing the whole novel already... November 20 is still too far and waiting won't do any good... but I can't spell out myself these days. Why do I keep updated on these US series of dramas and shows... just like when I am hooked on Korean series last year and the other years... now, it is the dawn of US films and shows... great!!! I am really hard to spell-out!!! I am liking the Americans little by little. Crazy right???!!!
It is as simple as, "I wanted to be happier with this life of mine." Period. Having a better stake on my life means a greater risk taking but I am sure I'll get over things on no time. I am not focused in some sense but professionaly I am taking the right path. In other aspects of life, I am desoluted, but I am on the process of making things better. It is just like reorganizing my bedroom... I wreck havoc on it first before I go on fixing things for the better...
More plans and new dreams to strive on. Future for me seems to be very blurry because I always tend to change my mind... more subjective sometimes and then more objective the other day... you really cannot tell and spell me out unless you focus to know me well... Even myself... damn... I have so many plans!!!