The biggest challenge in my life is happening right now...
After a month and more days of being away from home really makes my emotions down... and to tell you the truth, I really miss my life back in Manila. Above all of what I miss, I am craving to have it all back... or shall I say "Should I go back now???" This is the challenge, working far away from home and feeling very home-sick.
"Should I go or not?" was the question and was the only thing in my mind for the past several days... but after having a day-off from work and all the pressure, expectations, and problems of my professional career, it was a sudden that I thought of my purpose and reason why am I here in Boracay right now...
For the past month or maybe it were just on the past weeks, I felt like a candle that slowly melts down to death... a pail of water on a brink of spilling... an avalanche which awaits for someone's shout... Or maybe I am just tired for working more than fourteen hours a day on three weeks time without any decent rest nor day-off... and maybe because I am not that happy being away from home. Whatever reason it was... now I finally realize the thing that I should do.
That was November of 2008, I am really really frustrated of being jobless and restless of not being capable to help financially to my family... other than that, I can't have and I cannot do the things I wanted. And from that time on, I promised to myself that if I'll get a wonderful offer to a prestigious company, I will do whatever it takes and all my very best just to have a job... Here I am right now, March of 2009, already burnt-out of my work. What seems to be the problem or is there any problem at all...
Again... What was my purpose of accepting this job anyways???
Right... to help my family...
But why am I frustrated again??? Or maybe not??? Tired??? Maybe yes...
Growing up for me is not only getting old... For me, it is more than maturing and having more responsibilities and obligations. Growing up is also a change for which I acquaint different traits but not really having it on me. Not really on physical attributes, growing up for me is more on the abstracts... emotional, mental, and maybe social...
For the fact that I'm not getting young anymore, maybe I could have a little consideration for being unexperienced matured person... I am just twenty and turning twenty-one. Maybe I learned a lot from only some aspect of life but there are still empty rooms to fill-in. I need time... a lot of time to do it... and I am still on the stage where I should learn to know which are the important things that I should do and focus on keeping myself happy.
Growing up is compulsory... that is what I know...
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