After a hellish experience, countless times of roller coaster rides, and so many probabilities from a "yes" and a "no", I came on a decision where everyone is going to benefit.
Aside from the fact that I followed the "professional etiquette", I do also have a chance to prove to myself that I could act mature and really professional. And the good thing is, I will be forced to save my earnings properly. ^_^
One year is enough... just one year I promise. I just really needed to be more patient and stop acting like a child. Learning is always there... where ever you are or what ever you do. The only hindrance would be if you could be as open-minded as could be to accept the facts and the changes. If not, well, you can really consider it as a wrong move.
Hahaha... reality shook me off and I've realized that I am now twenty-two years old already, I should be acting my age and dealing with the responsibilities and obligations of a person of my age. I can see clearly that several people depends on me, not only financially but also as their hope and inspiration. So I was thinking for the past few days if I am ready to disappoint these people who take me as their light on their darkest days.
Confusion... mood swings... uncertainties. Yes, it is a part of life. A part of growing up or rather maturing. I am not a perfect person and I consider those decisions as a part of my "major major" mistakes. Hehehe... but I am cool with that. What can I do? It is over and done... the only option left is to be better and avoid doing it the next time it resurfaced.
To tell you the truth... it was a very nurturing experience for me. Being confused and having an unknown state of my life and later on reinstating my priorities in life and dealing it as a grown-up, well... really great and thanks God I experienced it.
Now, I could feel dejavu again. But this time it is a positive feeling. I haven't been this happy again. I haven't felt so sure of my plans like this much that I am so sure of the next few steps I am making.
This time there will be no more shortcuts or detours. The way is straight and up ahead. Only one direction. Forward.
Life is really unexpected. And I am okay with that.
Like what my friend told, life is too short to be unhappy. I should be living my life as I wanted it. I should be taking risks like there is no more chances left for me to take.
The good thing is... my priorities are set.
And I like it... so wish me luck. ^_^