Work. Fine. I'm getting paranoid and having my hidden/secret trust issue with someone from the restaurant and it really makes me loose my focus and urge of working further, farther, and more for them. I am not good at lying and, for the fact that I could read people's mind, makes it harder for me to handle dishonesty. Sometimes I just wanted to freak-out, shout whatever I am reading from them/him, and do something that is very not me. But it's not so me causing any scene from something pathetic. I can't get enough professional advise from my professional friends because everyone seems to be very busy I don't know why, but for now I am considering myself getting a little paranoid until I get to talk to someone with a clearer mind than mine and grasp whatever they have to say. Yet. As always, I wanted security. I am planning to move-out again. Start somewhere else. And re-create my professional world. I'm rushing on too much things now not thinking it is not so proportional to my age... I am only 21 and young but I am doing responsibilities of a 30 years old manager. Well, looking it positively, it is very nice but come to think of it, people will have a hard time absorbing the truth that I am on that position. Sometimes, I find them confused saying "He's only 21??? And he looks younger for his age and his job title!"
Friends. OKAY!!! I know everyone including myself is very busy with their own personal lives. But why do you think Friday and Saturday night gimmicks are made for??? Come on guys, give yourself a break!!! If money is the only restraint for having a wonderful bonding time with the BERKS, well, don't worry I'll be going to figure out a way or something. Let us not stop having good times with each other just because we are out of our last cents to spend. Let us not waste our youth working like crazy or studying on and on, time for our youth is running out. And don't give me the reason you are busy anymore. Studying or working professionally is not an excuse. I am a bit busier than anyone within the group but I am always be the one to put myself on doing invites for everyone to reply. But oh my God, no one is replying I don't know why. Is it just because I transferred to another network??? Berks please... I miss everyone...
Family. This got to be long. Great. We'll I felt somewhat nagged... but what is the irony of it, I am treated as a Prince at home. But I can't spell out this feeling. Right now, I am working my ass out too hard, that I get sick every two weeks time, not for me but for them, my family. I know it is a very good thing to do and it is one of my responsibilities now. The things is, I'm a little stressed out now... and tired. I've been doing a hard life and sacrificing too much for this family even before and I am forgetting the fact that I have my own life too and soon, or maybe one day, I am really going on my own way. Just me. My savings are getting emptied for the bills and some other stuff but I planned to use it to buy myself my own place. I craved on too much things but I doubt on having those things because I am somewhat obliged to allocate the whole portion of my earnings for them.Oh crap, I feel I am a bad guy... Maybe this is just a thing called "stress". Damn it, I am so young to be stressed out with these ridiculous problems. I've been dealing with these ever since I was a child but for God sake... until now, I am having arguments of having unlucky life... well... technically, unlucky financial life. I'm giving myself two more months to recover and establish again a firm lifestyle, just like before. Let us see what's going to happen...
Personal.Ultimate. Just going to make it short. I hate the dating scene!!! I am not a PRO but definitely I am not a newbie here. I really hate having this casual dating... I wanted to "exclusively" date someone rather than flirting with everyone I met and liked. I'm getting confused and one night I came to an idea to stop doing this funny thing and be single for a year. Well, it is not a very big issue to me being single, to relax, and to enjoy singleness for a year... But it is always been my priority for me to be loved... because I loved to be in-loved and be cherished and be taken care of someone who loves me. Okay. I want to make it easy and stress-free since it is the only outlet in my life that doesn't require materialism, just being myself. And I think I'll just wait what's going to happen... I also hate prejudices.
Oh well, I think it is going to be a long road to take starting from today. But it is always like that, full of twist and turns and ups and downs. What I am thankful for is that I am always able to manage it right... even for sometimes that it is too late. And I think I just need a little more inspiration to have a determination to go on. I can't give up now and I am not planning to.